Título : | Structural Geological | Tipo de documento: | Libro | Autores: | L.U. De Sitter, Autor | Resumen: | 20120124001056 | Nota de contenido: |
Theoretical Structural Geology:
Physical properties of rocks
Strain of rocks in laboratory experiments
Experimental tectonics
Rock behaviour in tectonic processes
Rock fracturing and distortion
Structural petrology, cleavage and schistosity
Comparative Structural Geology:
Origin of faults
Joint-Patterns and fault patterns
Normal faults
Great fundamental faults
Principles of folding
Concentric folds and associated faults
Cleavage and shear-folds
Disharmonic folds
Diapiric and collapse structures domes and cauldrons
Gravitational gliding tectonics
Syntetonic and post-tectonic sediments
Contorted beds
Microfolds, macrofolds and faults
The interference of structures of different phases
Fundamental concepts of geotectonics
Magmatic phases in orogenesis
The intercontinental mountain chains of the mediterranean type
The circum-continental mountain chains of America
Island Arcs
Basin structures
Relation in time and space of orogenies
Theories of the cause of orogeny
| Link: | https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/1317 |