Nota de contenido: | 1. Late Tertiary mammals of southern South America as indicators of climatic deterioration / Rosendo Pascual
2. Stratigraphy of the Quaternary piedmont deposits of the Rio de las Tunas Valley, Mendoza, Argentina / Benjamín L.Fernández
3. Critical catalogue of some Chilean fossil vertebrates. I. The Deers: complementary considerations on Antifer (Antifer niemeyeri n.sp.), the Pleistocene Giant Deer / Rodolfo Casamiquela
4. The Quaternary of Northeastern Argentina / Martín H.Iriondo
5. Late Quaternary continental environments of Argentina: evidence from pollen analyses of the upper 2 meters of deep-sea core RC 12-241 in the Argentine Basin / L.E.Heusser, M. Wingenroth
6. A thanatocenosis of continental and marine vertebrates in the Las Escobas Fm (Holocene) of Northeastern Buenos Aires province, Argentina / Eduardo P. Tonni, Alberto L.Cione
7. Pleistocene extinctions in South America / Luis Alberto Borrero
8. Quaternary landscape structuring and prehistoric human settlement: a taste case in Central Sâo Paulo, Brazil / Lylian Coltrinari, Walter A.Neves
9. Climatic variations during historical times in Eastern Buenos Aires Pampas, Argentina / Gustavo G.Politis
10. Prehispanic human settlement in the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia / Bernard Doughert, Horacio A.Calandra
11. Palynology of Quaternary sediments of Lake Chascomús, Northeastern Buenos Aires province, Argentina / Celina A.Fernández, Edgardo J.Romero |