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Basin analysis / Philip A. Allen / Oxford : Blackwell Scientific Publications (1990)
Título : Basin analysis : Principles and applications Tipo de documento: Libro Autores: Philip A. Allen, Autor Editorial: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific Publications Fecha de publicación: 1990 Número de páginas: 451 p. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-0-632-02422-3 Idioma : Inglés Palabras clave: Rocas Rocas sedimentarias Petroleo Clasificación: 551.31 Resumen: 20120124001117 Nota de contenido:
PART 1: THE FOUNDATIONS OF SEDIMENTARY BASINS:. Chapter 1 Basins in their plate tectonic environment. Summary.
.1 Compositional zonation of the Earth.
1.2 Rheological zonation of the Earth.
1.3 Plate motion.
1.4 Classification schemes of sedimentary basins.
Chapter 2 The physical state of the lithosphere. Summary.
2.1 Stress and strain.
2.2 Heat flow: conduction and convection.
2.3 Gravity and isostasy.
2.4 Rock rheology.
Chapter 3 Basins due to lithospheric stretching. Summary.
3.1 Introduction to rifts, failed rifts and passive continental margins.
3.2 Geological and geophysical observations in regions of continental extension.
3.3 Introduction to models of continental extension.
3.4 Uniform stretching of the continental lithosphere.
3.5 Modifications to the uniform stretching model.
3.6 A dynamical approach to lithospheric extension.
3.7 Mantle plumes and igneous activity associated with continental extension.
3.8 Estimation of the stretch factor and strain rate history.
Chapter 4 Basins due to flexure. Summary. ç
4.1 Basic observations in regions of lithospheric flexure.
4.2 Flexure of the lithosphere: geometry of the deflection.
4.3 Flexural rigidity of the oceanic and continental lithosphere.
4.4 Lithospheric buckling.
4.5 The dynamics of orogenic wedges.
4.6 The modelling of foreland basins.
Chapter 5 Effects of mantle dynamics. Summary.
5.1 Fundamentals and observations.
5.2 Dynamic topography.
Chapter 6 Basins associated with strike-slip deformation. Summary.
6.1 Overview.
6.2 The structural pattern of strike-slip fault systems.
6.3 Basins in strike-slip zones.
Chapter 7 The sediment routing system. Summary.
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Weathering.
7.3 Terrestrial sediment and solute yields.
7.4 Measurements of erosion rates.
7.5 The functioning of sediment routing systems.
Chapter 8 Basin stratigraphy. Summary.
8.1 A primer on process stratigraphy.
8.2 Stratigraphic cycles: definition and recognition.
8.3 Driving mechanisms for stratigraphic patterns.
8.4 Numerical simulation of stratigraphy.
8.5 Depositional systems.
8.6 Relation of depositional style to basin setting.
Chapter 9 Subsidence and thermal history. Summary.
9.1 Introduction to 'geohistory analysis'.
9.2 Porosity loss during basin subsidence.
9.3 Subsidence history and backstripping.
9.4 Introduction to thermal history.
9.5 Theory: the Arrhenius equation and maturation indices.
9.6 Factors influencing temperatures and palaeotemperatures in sedimentary basins.
9.7 Measurements of thermal maturity in sedimentary basins.
9.8 Application of thermal maturity measurements.
9.9 Geothermal and palaeogeothermal signatures of basin types.
Chapter 10 The petroleum play. Summary.
10.1 From basin analysis to play concept.
10.2 The petroleum system and play concept.
10.3 The petroleum charge system.
10.4 The reservoir.
10.5 The regional topseal.
10.6 The trap.
References. Index
CollapseTema Principal / Disciplina : Geología Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/1378 Reserva
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Ubicación Código de barras Ubicación Tipo de medio Sección Estado Sala Tomo Colección Facultad 21370 551.31 A5 Libro Fondo general 0 Disponible Facultad 21371 551.31 A5 Libro Fondo general 0 Disponible
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Título : Facies : International Journal of Paleontology, Sedimentology and Geology Tipo de documento: Revista Editorial: Berlin : Springer Fecha de publicación: 1979- ISBN/ISSN/DL: 0172-9179 Idioma : Inglés Alemán Clasificación: [BFA] Ciencias Naturales y Biológicas:Ciencias de la Tierra:Geología
[BFA] Ciencias Naturales y Biológicas:PaleontologíaPalabras clave: Geología Facies Sedimentología Paleobiología Geoquímica Paleontología Clasificación: 551.31 Nota de contenido: Revista que presenta trabajos relacionados con la interpretación de biotopos antiguos y modernos, y ambientes de depósitos de carbonatos a través del análisis de facies, con especial énfasis en la paleobiología, ecología, evolución de cuencas, sedimentología incluyendo diagénesis y geoquímica, así como estudios que enfaticen el impacto de la vida en la historia de la Tierra. Tema Principal / Disciplina : Geología y geoquímica ISSN Electrónico : 1612-4820 Revista-Frecuencia : Trimestral Revistas-Indizada en: : Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch) Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition SCOPUS Google Scholar EBSCO CSA Academic OneFile ASFA Biological Abstracts BIOSIS Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences EMBiology Gale En línea: https://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/10347 Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/32627
Título : Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis Tipo de documento: Libro Autores: P.E. Potter, Autor Mención de edición: 2nd ed,corrected and updated Editorial: Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York : Springer Fecha de publicación: 1977 Número de páginas: xiv, 425 p. ; il. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-0-387-07952-3 Idioma : Inglés Palabras clave: Cuencas sedimentarias Paleocorrientes Rocas sedimentarias Sedimentología Clasificación: 551.31 Resumen: 20120124018363 Nota de contenido: Introduction
History of Paleocurrent Investigations up to 1963.
History of Paleocurrent lnvestigations (1963-1976).
Fabrics and Geophysical Properties up to 1963.
Fabrics and Geophysical Properties (1963-1976).
Cross-Bedding and Ripple Marks up to 1963.
Cross-Bedding and Ripple Marks (1963-1976).
Linear Structures up to 1963.
Linear Structures (1963-1976).
Deformational Structures up to 1963.
Deformational Structures (1963-1976).
Internal Directional Structures and Shape of Sedimentary Bodies up to 1963.
Internal Directional Structures and Shape of Sedimentary Bodies (1963 - 1976).
Dispersal and Current Systems up to 1963.
Dispersal and Current Systems (1963-1976).
Basin Analysis and the Sedimentary Model up to 1963.
Basin Analysis and the Sedimentary Model (1963-1976).
Methods of Study up to 1963.
Methods of Study (1963-1976).
Tema Principal / Disciplina : Geología Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/18247 Reserva
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