Título : | Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology |
Tipo de documento: | Libro |
Autores: | Dieter Mueller-Dombois, Autor |
Editorial: | New York : John Wiley and Sons |
Fecha de publicación: | 1974 |
Número de páginas: | 547 p. |
ISBN/ISSN/DL: | 978-0-471-62290-1 |
Idioma : | Español |
Clasificación: | [BFA] Ciencias Naturales y Biológicas:Botánica [BFA] Ciencias Naturales y Biológicas:Ecología
Palabras clave: | Ecología vegetal Comunidades vegetales |
Clasificación: | 581.5 |
Resumen: | 20120124003255 |
Nota de contenido: |
Introduction. Clarification of concepts.
Background and current trends in vegetation ecology.
Plant community hypotheses.
Considerations in vegetation sampling.
Community sampling: the releve method.
Measuring species quantities.
The count-plot method and plotless sampling techniques.
Vegetation structure, classification units, and systems.
Classifying vegetation by tabular comparison.
Mathematical treatment of vegetation data.
Vegetation-environment correlation studies.
Causal-analytical inquiries into the origin of plant communities.
Succession, climax and stability.
Vegetation and site mapping.
Synthesis of aims and methods in vegetation ecology.
A. A key to RUNKAIER plant laife forms with revised subdivisions.
B. Tentative pysiognomic-ecological classification of plant formations of the Earth.
C. A key for mapping structural vegetation types in Southeast Ceylon on air photograph mosaics at the scale of 1:31,680.
D. Key for mapping forest habitat types in Southeast Manitoba with the help of 1:15,840 standars aerial photographs.
Link: | https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/3497 |